Employees are looking for information on the internet

A wide variety of content is used to attract, engage and retain audiences around a brand. Creating relevant articles, videos, and other media on a consistent basis requires a huge amount of ideas.

Today, we’re going to look at one method of generating content ideas called: “Information Field Research”.

This strategy involves studying the information fields of companies and organizations whose activities directly or indirectly relate to your business.

How is The Information Field Formed?

We are not interested in the companies themselves, but in the information they generate in the course of their activities. Let’s take an example.

When you create a company selling windows, it appears in the general information space as a small dot.

Store signage

Then you created a website, registered on social networks, and your information field grew a bit.

Then you opened an office, a store, put up a sign outside, and your field grew a bit more.

Then you wrote an article in a magazine, ran contextual advertising, took part in an exhibition, and your information field grew again.

The same thing happens with other companies. Companies can range from an industry-specific online construction portal to hardware suppliers.

Let’s give some examples:

Don’t miss our article on how to conduct effective brainstorming sessions for video ideas.

How to Work With The Information Field?

If we look carefully, all the companies and organizations listed above can generate information related to windows. For example, planners and designers can create new trends or standards in home construction. Window hardware manufacturers can influence window sales by releasing new types of hardware.

Search for interesting facts

In other words, new facts appear in the information field of these companies all the time, and our goal is not to miss these moments and promptly monitor them.

As soon as a significant fact appears, we should use it to create content. We should also following connection.

External facts — your company/product — your client

By employing various forms of content, we transform mundane facts into engaging narratives for our customers.

For instance, at the recent home-building exhibition, a new trend emerged: “round windows”. Our objective is to leverage this information by producing a video that explores the advantages and disadvantages of round windows.

Similarly, when hardware manufacturers introduce tamper-proof hardware, our aim is to utilize this information to create a video showcasing independent tests.

Thoroughly analyzing the entire information field will aid in discovering additional unique ideas for consistently generating content.

Never sever the connections highlighted above. The facts must be pertinent to your business while also aligning with your customers’ interests. Otherwise, your content will fail to captivate the audience.

What are The Advantages of This Approach?

The more intricate the product, the longer the customer dedicates to researching information. In our example, they might spend several days delving into designer windows and comparing hardware brands, among other things.

By generating abundant relevant and valuable content (in essence, expanding your information field), your chances of attracting a customer during the “Information Search” phase will significantly increase.

Customers always have the option of seeking information on the hardware manufacturer’s website, your website, or your YouTube channel. To win over the customer, you must be more compelling and engaging.

Once you have honed this technique, you can extend beyond merely producing videos. You can craft professional articles utilizing infographics and photos. That encapsulates the essence of content marketing.


Life is dynamic. New things continuously emerge, and change is constant. We are surrounded by a vast amount of facts that we must know to effectively use. This method of generating ideas for videos and other forms of content is truly invaluable.

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